Creating remarkable results

Jul 01, 2021

So, you want remarkable success in your business – but, understandably, you don’t want to pay the heavy price of burnout.

If this rings true with you, please know that there is a way to achieve this – and you’re in the right place right now.

Because whether it’s the fear of burnout that’s stopping you from moving towards your dreams, or if you’re already working your socks off without getting anything like the return you need, I promise the next four or five minutes will help you.

My name’s Karen Kissane, and I’m an award-winning coach and mentor for smart women in business. Specifically, really smart women who want to achieve remarkable success in a thriving and profitable business. I’m also a business owner myself, so I can draw on experience as well as expertise to prove that you CAN have remarkable success…with balance.

Now, I know you know that remarkable success requires massive action. It doesn’t drop magically into your lap, nor is there a secret formula for overnight riches.

But what if you’re already taking lots of action, but struggling and hustling and just not getting anywhere? Even if you love what you do, it’s a problem if your business is making you feel tired and stressed, or if your life feels out of balance.

It goes without saying that your business success should not come with the hefty price tag of your health, your family life, or your mental and emotional wellbeing. Burnout is NOT an inevitable by-product of remarkable success.

Even more importantly, I think, you should be in love with your business. But it won’t be the thing that lights you up if you’re feeling unbearable pressure, or not getting enough return.

Of course, there are many strategies and tools you can use to define, achieve and maintain the balance that is perfect for you. But for now, for the purposes of this short video, I want to suggest just three questions to ask yourself. These three questions will help you plan and prioritise that massive action, and they will help you pull back and find some breathing space if you’re already in a maelstrom of overwhelm.

(I have another short video in this series where I talk about some practical actions to help break down overwhelm, by the way, and I’ll post the link to that alongside this video so you can ask yourself some strategic questions AND then pick up some practical help too.)

The first question is going to help you get a laser-sharp focus on what needs to be done. You need this focus before jumping to the ‘how’.

And the question is simply this: does this really need doing?

This question is so fundamental. We all get caught up in the busy-ness of our to-do lists that we don’t think so much about our list of things we DON’T need to do.

Some things are given. Taxes, insurances, legal paperwork for example. But everything else is up for grabs so you need to decide what can be dumped…or at least delayed.

Make sure the priorities that make it to your list are truly the things that will give you greatest impact. Fewer things, but the right things and done really well.

Then ask yourself the second question – does it have to be truly perfect?

High standards are good, but perfectionism can be crippling. It’s the enemy of speed and agility, and very often we buckle under the weight of our own impossible expectations.

I’m not saying you have to “settle”. I’m not saying you should turn out something you’re not proud of. But there is truth in the saying “done is better than perfect”, for some things at least, and you need to be honest with yourself about what those things are.

And that leads nicely to the third question – do you have to do it yourself? What can you delegate or outsource?

I know this can feel scary, especially in the early stages of a business when your budget might be best described as a shoestring. But there are only so many hours in the day, and if you want remarkable success without burnout, you need to prioritise your time on what will give you the biggest return.

Those high-value activities will pay you back, I promise you.

And I am sure of this because if you’ve spent the last four or five minutes with me on this video, you’re already taking steps towards that remarkable success – the kind that you get to enjoy on your terms.

If you’d like to consider some further steps, going into more depth on this, click one of the links below to get in touch.